Moorish Tides

American Journeys in Tangier & Beyond
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Harmonizing Identities

As I step off the plane in Tangier, Morocco, I am struck by the warmth of the sun beaming down on my face and neck, which is something foreign to…

Uncharted Territories

At the crossroads of comfort and adventure, where the boundaries of familiarity and the unknown converge, I found myself faced with a life-altering decision. I could fly across the world…

Call to Prayer

You can feel it in the air, in the way the birds chirp, the way people bustle about. The children laugh on Friday, their Holy Day, and there is no…


We walked out of the Fes medina through the intricate blue gates and made our way into a nearby garden. There we saw beautiful fountains full of blue tiles, water…

Getting off the Bus in Marrakesh

My mom collects decks of cards from everywhere she travels. During our trip to Marrakesh, I decided to combine two separate quests: first, to lead a group, without a map…

Rachel Muyal at her Home

Tangier’s Last Heiress

Waiters scurried around us to push the tiny round mahogany tables together, as is seemingly tradition now on these small group excursions of ours. The older of the two waiters…

Mourad Benkirane

The Oscar-Worthy Smile

I could feel the exhaustion take over. Even though I was thrilled to be on the other side of the world, embarking on my adventure of studying abroad in Morocco,…

Dog at Animal Shelter

You. Are. Crazy!

“Are we almost there?” I whined to my friend, Mohammed. We’d had been walking the stony streets of Tangier for roughly 15 minutes. I struggled because of the hot weather…

Caitlyn and Rania sitting beneath a palm tree.

A Spiritual Journey

When I decided to come to Morocco, some of my family members were worried. “You know it’s a Muslim country, right?” some said. “And Muslims don’t like Jews.” I thanked…

Reflections of a Petri Dish Child

When I first looked into the eyes of Imane, I saw a woman who is on fire. Her fierce advocacy of the natural birthing process and breastfeeding got me reflecting…

Medina in Tangier where Abdul's store is located.

Abdul’s American Love Story

Stories being the best teacher, within a few days of arriving in Tangier, I set out on a quest to uncover the everyday struggles and joys of a single Tanjawi,…